Pandora + Spotify Ads

“Hot Deals Near You” (30 sec.)

In support of the “Grab Life by the Groupon” rebrand, we were asked to write a 30-second audio spot to highlight Groupon’s date-night offerings. The spot we wrote is a cheeky take on vintage dating service ads, and it grabs the attention of the listener with a clever twist halfway through.

“Breaking News” (30 sec.)

For the 2nd annual Groupon Day promotion, we were asked to write an audio spot to raise awareness about the campaign’s special & unique deals, while incorporating Groupon’s newest mascot (unicorns who are unhappy they’re no longer the most special + unique thing in the world.) We believe this is the first radio ad ever to use the word “spokesunicorn.”

“Grab Life by the Groupon” (30 sec.)

For the “Grab Life by the Groupon” rebrand, we were asked to write an audio spot that broadly promoted the breadth of Groupon’s offerings and highlight its app. Since the ads was slated to be used on Pandora + Spotify, the copy was tailored to music lovers.


Groupon Media Kit


Best. Childhood. Ever.